Everyone who knows me knows that I am an avid golfer. I wish I could play all year round!
This is a great read about the actual health benefits you gain as a golfer. If you've never tried it, I highly recommend it!
Golf enjoyed a surge in popularity during the pandemic in part for health reasons. By its very nature, the sport allows players to partake in physical exercise, outdoors, while socializing with other players but remaining distanced. Yet many newcomers to the game have stuck around long after restrictions eased after discovering the long-term benefits it offers. If you’re not in that deep just yet, here are five reasons to consider trying to golf.
You Get Plenty of Vitamin D
With office or home-working jobs and unpredictable weather, many of us struggle to get the levels of vitamin D that we need. The NHS even recommends that everyone should consider taking a daily supplement in autumn and winter. But playing golf is a great way to spend time in direct sunlight. Just make sure that you remember to wear sun cream!
You Can Socialize with Other Players
Golf might seem like a lonely pursuit but even professionals have their caddies to chat to during a round. As a casual player, you’ll get to enjoy regular meetups with mates on the course or in the clubhouse. Plus, if you join a club or start playing competitively, you’ll meet new like-minded people and feed the social part of your brain that way.
You Can Get Competitive – Or Take It Easy
Whether you’re playing one-on-one, entering tournaments, or simply discussing handicaps, a little competition can go a long way. It’s a healthy way to challenge yourself and develop your skills. But at the same time, there’s no pressure to keep score. You can even play alone to give yourself some headspace.
It Burns Calories Without Being High Impact
Some people claim that golf isn’t a sport and, admittedly, it’s not the highest-energy affair. But walking an 18-hole course – possibly multiple times a week – while swinging and putting throughout is still a great way to stay physically healthy. It’s not high impact, either, which means that you’re less likely to suffer injuries compared to other, more intense sports.
It Helps to Relieve Stress
For many people, golf is a means of leaving behind work, getting out of the house, and blowing off steam. Exercise, in itself, releases endorphins, while the social aspect can also boost your mental well-being. Even just being around nature can do you some good. The mental health charity Mind advises that outdoor activities can improve your mood, help you to relax, and boost your confidence.
If you’re considering trying your hand at golf, now you’ve got plenty of compelling reasons to do so!
Credit: The Art of Healthy Living/Anna Gottlieb