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What Can Cause Knee Pain?

Dr. Andre Rodrigues

woman holding knee in pain

Maybe you twisted your knee playing golf or tennis. Perhaps you simply stepped off a stair wrong. While those incidents might seem obvious, some knee injuries are much more subtle.

One of the more common reasons for knee pain is a degrading cartilage. As the cartilage degrades, you can form arthritis, which involves inflammation and stiffening of your knee joint.

Some doctors suggest one of two solutions: medication or surgery. However, those aren't your only options. Instead, you can visit a chiropractor who can help relieve your pain.

Another cause of knee pain is excess body weight. If you're overweight, your knees are bearing that load. Your knees have to handle the pressure of your weight with every step. If you're overweight and suffering from knee pain, losing a few pounds can improve your knee health.

Meanwhile, visiting a chiropractor for knee pain will help you improve your range of motion without surgery.

By visiting a chiropractor, you can find a non-invasive, natural approach to healing.

Chiropractic for Knee Pain

If you're considering a chiropractor for knee pain, make sure to speak to them about all the problems you're facing. Let them know where you're experiencing pain symptoms.

During your first appointment, your chiropractor will complete a comprehensive evaluation. They will ask about your medical history, what you believe caused the pain and more. The chiropractor will likely consider your spine, neck, and hips in addition to examining your knees.

Why? Our bodies are integrated machines. If one component is off, it could cause pain somewhere else.

In other words, your knee pain is possibly caused by a spine unalignment.

If your spine isn't aligned, you might lean to one side as your walk. As a result, your hip will rotate slightly with each step. This will require your knee to adjust to the new angle, which can cause your knee pain.

Other reasons for knee pain might include:

  • Tight muscles.

  • Unevenly developed leg muscles.

  • Hip joint issues.

Your chiropractor will consider these possible causes and more.

Once your chiropractor completes their assessment, they'll develop a customized treatment plan. If they've determined your knee pain is caused by another condition, your plan will include solving the cause for your pain.

Your chiropractor will also create a plan to help you manage your knee pain.

One of the main components of treatment is to reduce any inflammation. There are several ways to approach this, and your chiropractor will be able to address what is best for you. It may be Physical Therapy, acupuncture, laser, or ice. These techniques will help your body begin the healing process by focusing on the affected area. The therapies help reduce your swelling. However, your chiropractor will still want to determine why the joint or muscle swelled in the first place.

Once the swelling comes down, your chiropractor will want to focus on restoring function to the knee joint. A lot of chiropractic work relies on chiropractic manipulation to reinforce or recover mobilization. If a lack of mobility isn't an issue, your chiropractor might suggest a deep tissue treatment or trigger-point therapy.

Whether your knee is the root problem or elsewhere, your treatment and pain management plan may involve:

  • A chiropractic knee adjustment

  • Ice application to reduce inflammation

  • Soft tissue massage to reduce inflammation, increase blood flow, and increase range of motion

  • Use of various modalities

  • Gentle stretching and strengthening exercises

Over time, these chiropractic knee adjustment treatments can help reduce your pain.

How Ignoring Knee Pain Can Impact Your Life

Don't ignore your knee pain. Instead, it's important to get help as soon as possible. Visiting a chiropractor for knee pain can help you avoid pain when:

  • Walking up or downstairs

  • Squatting

  • Sitting down

  • Getting up

  • Getting out of bed

  • Walking

  • Hobbies (sports or gardening)

Everything you do throughout the day could impact your quality of life. When you're in pain, you're less likely to remain physically active. This can lead to weight gain and muscle loss.

It could also impact your coordination.

A lack of physical activity can also leave you more susceptible to future injuries. When it's difficult to move without pain, you'll feel unable to participate in life. As a result, you might also feel anxious or depressed in time.

Don’t put off knee pain, call our office today to schedule a consultation.


Dixie Dundas Chiropractic & Acupuncture Clinic
3197 Dixie Road
Mississauga, Ontario L4Y 2A7
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